Your role and responsibilities:
• be responsible for the effective delivery of safeguarding services for children in care and those subject to child protection plans throughout the County.
• as part of the role you will continue to work with and embed the Suffolk signs of safety and wellbeing practice framework. The framework is having a positive impact on practice development, effective engagement with families, staff morale and motivation across the service.
• provide strategic leadership and will work closely with operational management
• provide reports and analysis to directorate management on safeguarding issues
• provide scrutiny of care and child protection plans
• be responsible for achieving compliance against standards and operational requirements
• be a regulation 44 visitor to the Suffolk County Council children’s homes, including monthly reporting on effectiveness to safeguard children and the conduct of the homes.
You will need
• a recognised social work qualification and experience at a management level
• considerable experience of children in care and child protection
• to be able to provide knowledge of current research and legislation
• to attend/chair meetings at a variety of locations throughout Suffolk and wider as necessary.